And by that, I mean pay CASH Music the $9 a month that you pay to any streaming service.
If that’s all you need to hear, sign-up right away. If you want to hear more from CASH directly, read Jesse’s medium post.
Here’s my pitch. You get music (really good music). You get access to a store with rare and limited merch from some pretty awesome artists. And you get input on the feature roadmap for their software.
That’s not something you usually get with a music service, but CASH isn’t a for-profit startup trying to give you a delightful experience and then get acquired before the market forces them to pay musicians sustainable rates.
CASH music is on the side of artists. They make free and open source tools for artists to control their own careers, write an awesome publication to help musicians, and provide rotating capital.
I need CASH Music in my music ecosystem. Bloggers have wordpress, but musicians always have to pay a cut to the middleman. CASH’s tools benefit their users, obviously, but they also help drive the price of other options down, and the quality up. Knowing there’s a good free option out there makes the services you do pay for try harder to earn your money.
Musicians have had a hell of a twenty years. They deserve a break, and you deserve the music they’re going to make with these tools.
Seriously. It’s the cost of a Netflix subscription. Give it to some smart, talented people who are working their butts off to help musicians.
Join the CASH Family now.