This is a re-post from my recent Kickstarter Backer update. It’s getting exciting folks, Ruckus NYC is only four short days away!
Dear Backers,
Thank you again for being part of Ruckus NYC. We’re working very, very hard this week to make sure that Saturday is amazing. As of now, we’re just about ten tickets away from reaching our Kickstarter goal, and I know we can make it.
Yesterday was a big day for getting the word out about Ruckus NYC. The Huffington Post tweeted about us, Techdirt blogged about us, Tumblr tweeted about us, Mike Roderick blogged about us at One Producer In The City, I CARE IF YOU LISTEN published their interview with us, and even the String Orchestra of Brooklyn blogged about us, not to mention the amazing outpouring of social media love from everyone involved.
It’s also been great for me to hear how excited all the speakers and performers are. We’ve finalized a lot more details of our conference schedule and concert lineup in the last few days, and it’s getting very, very exciting.
We still have a few more sponsored tickets available for artists who need help (just email me at kevin.ef.clark at gmail dot com).
We have 36 hours to go – Let’s put this campaign over the top, and spend Saturday helping artists build their careers, and putting on one amazing show!
And, once again, THANK YOU!