Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces

Last month I returned to Brown to MC the Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces. It's an awesome conference I've been working on for the last four years with Sydney Skybetter, a choreographer, professor, and generally brilliant connector of myriad nerds. Every year we get a group of choreographers, roboticists, digital humanities scholars, artists, curators, …

Eleanor & Hildegard featured on Catalan Radio

I got a twitter notification a few weeks back. Elionor d'Aquitània i Hildegarda de Bingen? La connexió es va produïr i el compositor @kevinefclark va recollir-la a una de les seves obres #inspiraciómedieval— SonsEdatMitjana (@SonsEdatMitjana) January 23, 2019 It was a bit of a surprise, but totally wonderful! A Catalan radio station had …

Video of Eleanor & Hildegard from King FM

When King FM broadcast Eleanor & Hildegard earlier this year, they made an awesome video. The video is only part of the piece, but it gives a great impression not just of the whole work, but also of how awesome Elspeth Davis, Tania Asnes, King FM, and The Sound Ensemble are. (p.s. if you're in …

GIA Reader article on my work with the MAP Fund

The MAP Fund is an amazing organization and it was my privilege to work with them for a few years. We thought very hard about how to design an application process that mirrors MAP's strongly anti-oppressive values, and deep commitment to experimentation in performance work. I brought a product management lens to the process, and …

Eleanor and Hildegard premiering on King FM and in concert!

So I was having a beer with Elspeth Davis talking about how much we love The Lion in Winter. She asked me to write a piece about Eleanor of Aquitaine. I thought it would never happen. There isn't a lot of good text from the period to use, and I'd want to build a character …

I was on a Forbes Podcast

The Limit Does Not Exist is a really interesting podcast. Hosts Christina Wallace and Cate Scott Campbell interview people they describe as 'venn diagrams' of art and technology. They're great hosts, and have had some fantastic guests on the show. I highly recommend the entire archive. A couple of weeks ago I got to sit …

Moderating Panels

This week I'm moderating two different panels. First up, on Monday January 15 I'm moderating a panel at the Opera America New Works Forum in New York City on the subject of new distribution models. The panelists are some brilliant composers and producers. Digital media distribution is upending so much in the world of arts …

Lucy Bernholz’s Blueprint for 2018

I look forward to this monograph every year. If you work anywhere close to technology, civil society, activism, nonprofits, philanthropy, or social justice, then you should too. Most people connected to these issues work with a single focus, such as making non-profit tax data machine readable, or building Agile practices inside civil society organizations, or …

Nonprofit Tech at the Seattle Interactive Conference

I'm moderating a panel at next month's Seattle Interactive Conference, and I'm very excited about it. We're talking about how to build software in 501(c)(3) organizations, how it's different from building in a for-profit company, and how you can build products that reflect your values through and through. I'll be talking about my own experience …

America – a poem to read at the piano

The day after the 2016 election a friend of mine posted this sonnet to Facebook, and it really helped me: America by Claude McKay Although she feeds me bread of bitterness, And sinks into my throat her tiger’s tooth, Stealing my breath of life, I will confess I love this cultured hell that tests my …

Premiere of Census Americans, setting a twitter bot to music

I'm really excited for this piece. It's based on protest songs from the IWW songbook, a classic of political music, and A Twitter bot called Census Americans. The piece is being premiered by Con Vivo Music in September: Art Politic Friday, September 8, 2017 7:30 PM Jersey City, NJ (venue TBA) This piece started with …