This all started when we launched the Kickstarter campaign just before Thanksgiving in 2010. Actually it started well before that when I had a long train ride home. I decided to sketch out a flashy solo piece for Sean, my room-mate at the time. I wrote pages of manuscript, a full draft, without testing any of the harmonies or motives. I got home, and Sean was on the couch. “Here” I said, “I wrote this for you.” Then I went out for pizza. As I was chewing I realized that a lot of what I’d written was kind of terrible. So I ran home and asked Sean for the draft back. He was nice about it, but he knew it needed work. It took me another couple months of composing to finish it for real.
Fast forward to 2010. I’m in the car on the way to Thanksgiving, and triple checking the Kickstarter campaign I’m about to launch as my phone runs out of batteries. We get to my grandmother’s house and watch the sunset out her window as I press the launch button, publish this blog post, and before even my mother could get to the computer, Ken Ueno stepped in as our first backer:

Cucumbers and Gin: Kickstarter Project is a go!
Cucumbers & Gin just kicked off its fundraising period – we’re finishing on Christmas Eve, and with your help we’ll be able to make a great recording and performance film.

There we are! Right on the front! Cucumbers and Gin made the front page! When a project makes the front page of Kickstarter it’s a huge help…

Cucumbers and Gin met its goal.
You may have seen my post on Twitter late last night, but this big news of the day is that Cucumbers and Gin…

Peabody’s all over Kickstarter
And that means either that we’re a bunch of clever musicians on the leading edge of the new creative economy, or that we’re all desperately in need of cash. One of those two.

Final preparations for Cucumbers and Gin
We’re recording on Saturday. Sean and I are rehearsing every couple of days, and putting the finishing touches on his performance. If I could focus only on that, this would be easy.

I just posted an update on Kickstarter about how today is the day. We’re filming, we’re recording, and we’ve got well over half a ton of stuff if you count the people.

To Sean for his performance, to Zach for his recording, to Alan, Mike, Kate, Gill, Dave and Ben, our fantastically talented crew, to Gramps and Maxine for welcoming us into their home with all the gear and the noise and the interruption, and to all our backers on Kickstarter.

Cucumbers & Gin Cocktail Round-up
We’re done! We’ve created seven different custom cocktails each featuring cucumbers and gin for awesome our Kickstarter backers.