Baumol at SPU and on NewMusicBox

I’ve been working on this line of research for over a year, and the first publications are out today. Above, we’ve got video of the talk I gave at Seattle Pacific University last month for their Futures of Music Series, hosted by Brian Chin. And today NewMusicBox has published my first written account of this …

Cost Disease at Seattle Pacific University

I’m back on the road again. Next week I’ll be giving the next iteration of my talk applying the lessons of Baumol’s Cost Disease to the situation of individual artists. Brian Chin is my host for this instance, and the media team at the university will be filming, so that should be up shortly afterwards. …

Economics at the New Music Gathering

I’m doing it again. I’m going to a conference full of composers and new music freaks to talk about the inflation curve. I love the New Music Gathering. It’s a great event full of love for the music, and for the people who make it. It’s fantastic. And this year it’s coming to my alma …